
人气:815 ℃/2024-05-05 23:34:00


、Flowers fall into rain(翻译:花落成雨)

、How old(翻译:绾发暮年)

、Flowery beauty(翻译:如花美眷)

、Love arrived(翻译:爱卿领旨)

、Neither friendly nor aloof(翻译:若即若離)


、Waiting alone(翻译:独自守候)

、Spring sweater(翻译:春衫薄)

、Youth passes as a fleeting wave..(翻译:似水流年飞逝)


、I free you die(翻译:朕免你一死)


、A city(翻译:一座城)

、Drunken Acacia(翻译:君醉相思)

、Smart and beautiful woman(翻译:俏佳人)


、Tears like beads(翻译:泪如珠)

、Drink only spirits(翻译:只饮烈酒)

、Okay, you drink soup(翻译:孟婆,你的汤好喝)

、Fireworks cool(翻译:烟花冷)

、Vanity times(翻译:浮华乱世)

、Astronomy Tower(翻译:倾尽天下)


✿、[Ordinary people]

✿、[Not as much as you]

✿、[The king is]

✿、[At the beginning of an enemy]

✿、[To think of you makes me old]

✿、[The Feeling is Too Deep]

✿、[Vanity Fair]

✿、[Mu Chen Cheng Nan]

✿、[Water artesian]

✿、[Summer Xia Xingchen]

✿、[Why not?]

✿、[Beauty is sad]

✿、[Huang Liang empty dream]

✿、[Hoary head]

✿、[The beautiful world]

✿、[If your eyes]

✿、[Deep Palace]

✿、[Hold a green umbrella]

✿、[Give me peace of mind]

✿、[From the war]

✿、[Buckish troubled times]

✿、[Old moonlight]

❉The moon Ukraine.月落乌啼


❉Flowery folding如花堪折

❉The rain from the war烟雨离殇

❉Weiyang night夜未央

❉A Book眉目传书

❉Somehow she伊人何故

❉Who is a sad许谁三生凄凉


❉Lazy cat懒猫猫

❉Small emotions小情绪

❉Moon boat孤舟残月

❉A wound一段伤

❉The old man旧人殇

❉Wish you alone孤愿为汝

❉Castle Peak青山长河

❉unfortunate life红颜薄命

❉Old city with no feelings旧城以无感情

❉Sakura empty release樱空释

❉There is a lock kiyoaki锁一世清秋

❉Too beautiful to open开的太美

❉Cool time时光凉




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