
人气:925 ℃/2024-01-09 19:18:35

1、A good friend is someone who hasn't seen you for a long time and talks to you when they are together, just like someone who just had dinner yesterday.

2、We want to be a girl with depth, a hooligan with temper and a lady with upbringing.

3、Good friends are like this. I'll give you a hand when you fall, but wait for me to finish laughing first.



6、Friendship is always the aid of virtue, not vice.

7、Thoughts of you are like smoke, and wishes for you are like a rippling brook that lasts a lifetime.




11、A true friend is when you blindfold everyone's eyes, you can see through your true appearance and heartache.


13、You miss the time when you publicized youthful self, you remember only because I happened to be there.

14、Do you have a friend who always hurts you in his mouth, but is the first one who hurts you when someone says something bad about you?


16、Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a real wealth.


18、Friends don't need too many three: one is willing to borrow my umbrella in rainy days, one is willing to drink with me in the middle of the night, and one is willing to attend my funeral.


20、The best friend is a friend who has similar thoughts with you, because when you are with him, it is like being with yourself.






26、When your long skirt falls to the ground, I will match the short skirt. In the future, in addition to your lover, I still want to accompany you to grow old slowly.

27、A good friend is someone who wants to share everything with you, even if he just farts.




31、You can despise our youth, and we will prove whose era it is.

32、Sometimes, I envy lazy sheep, can eat and sleep, sleep and eat, occasionally gray wolf captured, friends will not give up it.


34、There are three kinds of true friends: those who love you, those who forget you, and those who hate you.

35、The golden sun radiates friendship; the silver moon transmits friendship. Friendship is a heavy ear of rice, and friendship is a lush forest.



38、No matter what will happen today, now and in the future, please remember that I will always be your good friend.

39、We are red-faced in argument, but we can still have no grudge, which is probably the best tacit understanding between you and me.

40、Old friends don't understand your new situation, new friends don't understand your old temper.

41、My best years are not when I meet you, but when I have you, I have the best years.


43、I may just be a passer-by in your life, but you will never meet the second me.




47、In life, there are always more audiences than friends. Audiences can only make people visually comfortable, but friends can make you feel moved inside.

48、Friends are all the way, all the way, all the way, all the way lost, because some people are not worth remembering all the time!

49、Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.


51、The most precious thing is what comes out of all difficulties and dangers. The friendship between adversity and the Communist Party of China will surely stay in your heart and my heart.


53、Your sorrow I share, your happiness I share, good friends always in your side of the friend's friendship continues from the soul.


55、The feelings between people and their friends unite the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, they are tender and sweet.



58、Because I have your ugly picture in my hand, so you have to be a lifelong friend with me.

59、It is impossible to make friends without conditions. Unconditional friends, not friends, it is called brothers and feet.

60、Friendship can ask for nothing, but it has a kind of warmth that we can all experience.

61、It takes a lot of effort to make friends in good times; it's harder to find friendship in bad times than to climb into the sky.


63、I would like to share your joys and sorrows, like the air guarding you. I give you all my happiness and give you half of your pain.


65、Brothers may not be friends, but friends are often like brothers.

66、Your sorrow I share, your happiness I share, good friends will always be around you.

67、Promises can acquire friendship, but it is action that cultivates and keeps friendship.


69、Friendship is the most holy spiritual thing. She will not only take root and germinate in the same sex, but also blossom and bear fruit in the opposite sex.


71、True friendship can not only tolerate the advice of friends, but also make oneself accept the advice.


73、Seeing her friend crying, she didn't want to hand her paper towels. She wanted to give her sunglasses, so she was still cool.


75、The best friend is when people all over the world think I'm making a fuss, but she knows why I cry so hysterically.


77、Like fixed seats, the same juice, constant friends.

78、Among people, the most painful thing is that where you think you deserve goodwill and friendship, you suffer from harassment and damage.

79、Friendship cannot be a bargain; on the contrary. It requires the most thorough concept of non-interest.






85、In the face of friendship, people shine on each other rather than hinder each other, just like stars.

86、Friendship is a plum blossom standing in the snow, blooming, warming your heart and my heart.

87、The relationship between friends is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.



90、Friendship is love without wings. Friendship that begins with an end cannot last until the end is achieved.


92、True friendship is a plant that grows slowly and must withstand the impact of adversity in order to deserve the title of friendship.

93、Cherish every friendship around, may forget, may alienate, but should never forget.

94、Those who have no obligation, but still accompany me, you are my heart.

95、Friendship between people unites the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, it is tender and sweet.



99、Friendship is the lamp, the brighter the dial; friendship is the river, the deeper the flow; friendship is the flower, the more beautiful the blossom; friendship is wine, the older the fragrance.

100、Friendship is the sincere treatment of two hearts, not the beating of one heart on another.


102、The moment the lamp of friendship burns, it never goes out.


104、Sow a melon, grow a bean, get a bean. Cultivate preferential friendship and get benevolent friendship.




108、Although I can't show you the way forward, I would like to accompany you through the darkness.

109、Others ask me whether I fly high or not, only you ask me whether I am tired of flying.




113、True friendship has nothing to do with the wind and the moon, and is spotless; just because you are still there, I have not abandoned it. Friendship is so simple.

114、Openness and friendship with friends should not be measured by the length of time.





119、No matter how time flies, no matter what stage life goes through, sincere friendship always accompanies and gives each other the warmest power of love.




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