
人气:656 ℃/2023-06-26 03:32:25

1、Can you give me some feedback?你能给我一些建议吗?

2、I know the feeling.我知道那种感觉。

3、I can't stand it.我受不了。

4、Dinner is on me.晚饭我请客。

5、I can't believe it.我简直不敢相信。

6、How is it going?情况怎么样?

7、How long will it take me to get there?到那儿要多长时间?

8、Better luck next time.祝你下一次好运。

9、I mean what I say.我说话算数。

10、Be careful.小心/注意。

11、I have a complaint.我要投诉。

12、He is in conference.他正在开会。

13、Don't take any chances.不要心存侥幸。

14、Did you have a good day today?你今天过得好吗?

15、Did you have a nice holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?

16、I appreciate your invitation.感谢你的邀请。

17、I feel terrible about it.太对不起了。

18、Can I take a message?要我传话吗?

19、Enjoy your meal.请慢慢享用吧。

20、I enjoyed it very much.我非常喜欢。

21、Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?

22、Do you have some change?你有零钱吗?

23、Easier said than done.说是容易做时难。

24、I can't resist the temptation.我不能抵挡**。

25、Have him return my call.让他给我回电话。

26、Forgive me.请原谅我。

27、Be my guest.请便/别客气。

28、Could you speak slower?你能说得慢一点吗?

29、I can manage.我自己可以应付。

30、Could you take a picture for me?你能帮我拍照吗?

31、Hold your horses.耐心点儿。

32、Can I help?要我帮忙吗?

33、Did you have fun?你玩得开心吗?

34、Can I take your order?您要点菜吗?

35、Don't mention it.不必客气。

36、I didn't mean to.我不是故意的。

37、I enjoy your company.我喜欢有你做伴。

38、Better late than never.迟到总比不到好。

39、Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好?

40、Give my best to your family.代我向你们全家问好。

41、Forget it.算了吧。

42、How much is it?多少钱?

43、I couldn't help it.我没有办法。

44、Can you give me a wake-up call?你能打电话叫醒我吗?

45、I really regret it.我真的非常后悔。

46、How long did it last?持续了多久?

47、Could I have the bill,please?请把账单给我好吗?

48、Don't bother.不用麻烦了。

49、Can I have a word with you?我能跟你谈一谈吗?

50、Don't take it for granted.不要想当然。

51、Don't make any mistakes.别出差错。

52、Have you finished yet?你做完了吗?

53、I have nothing to do with it.那与我无关。

54、I can't tell.我说不准。

55、Don't give up.别放弃。

56、I couldn't get through.我打不通电话。

57、Did you enjoy your flight?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?

58、Cheer up!高兴起来!振作起来!

59、Don't miss the boat.不要坐失良机。

60、I bet you can.我确信你能做到。

61、All I have to do is learn English.我所要做的就是学英语。

62、Don't let me down.别让我失望。

63、Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快。

64、Give me a call.给我打电话。

65、Can I have a day off?我能请一天假吗?

66、Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的!

67、I feel the same way.我也有同感。

68、I haven't the slightest idea.我一点儿都不知道。

69、How often do you eat out?你个多就在外面吃一次饭?

70、I assure you.我向你保证。

71、Don't worry about it.别担心。

72、How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上?

73、Don't be so modest.别这么谦虚。

74、Come in and make yourself at home.请进,别客气。

76、Can you make it?你能来吗?

77、For here or to go?再这儿吃还是带走?

78、First come,first served.捷足先登。

79、Have you got that?你明白我的意思吗?

80、I can't afford it.我买不起。

81、Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。

82、Have you ever been to Japan?你去过日本吗?

83、I feel like having some dumplings.我很想吃饺子。

84、Are you married?你结婚了吗?

85、I suppose so.我想是这样。

86、I couldn't agree more.我完全同意。

87、Are you free tomorrow?你明天有空吗?

88、Do you mind my smoking?你介意我抽烟吗?

89、Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?

90、Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?

91、How do I look?我看上去怎么样?

92、How late are you open?你们营业到几点?

93、Do you have a room available?你们有空房间吗?

94、Cath me later.过会儿再来找我。

95、Have you got anything larger?有大一点儿的吗?

96、Don't get me wrong.别误会我。

97、Don't jump to conclusions.不要急于下结论。

98、I owe you one.我欠你一个人情。

99、I envy you.我羡慕你。

100、Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?

101、Have you heard from Mary?你收到玛丽的来信吗?

102、I don't know for sure.我不能肯定。

103、I hope you'll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。

104、Help yourself,please.请自己用。

105、Do you often work out?你经常锻炼身体吗?



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