
人气:694 ℃/2023-05-20 12:54:02




Dear friends

Hello, everyone. On behalf of Jingshan travel agency, I welcome you all. Myname is Yu Ping. You can call me Xiao Yu. I'm glad to serve you. If you have anyquestions, please feel free to raise them. As long as they are reasonable andpossible, I will try my best to solve them for you. Next, I'll take you toXiangshan scenic spot. I hope my explanation can satisfy you. I also wish youhave a good time there!

Today's tour route is arranged as follows: first, we mainly visit Longquanpark. Starting from the gate of Longquan Park, we go directly to the bonsaigarden. Then we go to the beautiful civilized lake to see the cultural relicsthere. Finally, we go up to Laolaizi villa, the founder of Taoist school.

Longquan park is a new comprehensive park with a planning area of 78hectares. It was built in 1986 and opened in early 1987. It is a newcomprehensive park with historical and cultural connotation as the backgroundand rich cultural landscape as a whole. In 1999, it ranked among the "100 famousgardens in China". We are now walking on the main road of the park. The locationof the park is the amusement park. There are more than 30 kinds of gamefacilities in the amusement park, which can meet the needs of tourists ofdifferent ages. In front of us on the left, you can see a Wenfeng tower, builtin the first year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. The whole tower has fivefloors and eight sides, with cornices on each floor and niches on each other.The stone carving on the tower wall is unique. After seeing Wenfeng tower, wecame to the bonsai garden. The whole basin garden covers an area of 1 hectare,which is the garden of Longquan park. Now let's take a look in the garden. Thecypress tree in front of us, which is more than 20 meters high, was transplantedfrom Jingshan mountain in the spring of 1999 in Longquan Park in order torestore the Tang'an ancient cypress landscape.

If Xiangshan scenic spot is a bright pearl embedded in Jingmen City, thenWenming lake is an emerald in Longquan park. Wenming lake is as clear as amirror, rippling green waves, 50 meters wide from east to west, 200 meters longfrom north to south, and 3 meters deep. It was built by Shu Chenglong, thegovernor of Jingmen Prefecture, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.The low-lying land excavated by stone quarrying along the mountain was renovatedand diked. It has a history of more than 250 years. The water of civilized lakeis warm in winter and cool in summer. Every morning in winter, the lake is foggyand never frozen.

The bridge we see now is the Qinghe bridge, where the story of Yang Youji,a famous general of the state of Chu, duels with Yin, an order of the state ofChu. In 605 B.C., when Yang Youji served as the commander of the Guard Academyof King Zhuang of Chu, the state of Chu ordered Yin doujiao to revolt. Then KingZhuang of Chu sent Yang Youji to duel with him by arrow. The place was at theQinghe bridge. Yang Youji's arrow technique was very powerful. With one arrow,he shot doujiao in the throat and easily pacified the rebellion. We Jingmenlocal opera and this

The traditional play is called "Qinghe bridge comparing arrows"

Next, please follow me to visit the four springs of dragon, Mongolia, Huiand Shun in the north corner of civilized lake.

This is Huiquan. Huiquan is warmer in winter, because it benefits thepeople, so it is called Huiquan. Longquan was named Longquan by Shu Chenglong,the governor of Jingmen, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

Mengquan is the first spring in Xiangshan, because it nestles at the footof Mengshan, so it gets its name. You can see that the place where the waterflows is the spring eye. The flow of Mengquan is the largest and the clearest ofthe four springs. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. In addition todragon, Mengquan and Hui, there is a Shunquan in the courtyard of the watersupply company.

As the saying goes: "if the mountain is not high, there will be immortals;if the water is not deep, there will be dragons." Although Laolaizi villa is notbig, it is famous. It is a famous philosopher and founder of Taoist school inthe spring and Autumn period. Lao laizi lived in seclusion in the manor where hecultivated and respected his parents. It has a history of more than 2500 years.Laolaizi villa, where we are now, was rebuilt in 1933, covering an area of 2500square meters.

Laolaizi is one of the "twenty four filial piety" in Chinese folklore. Itis said that when he lived in seclusion in Mengshan, King Hui of Chu came toJingmen to invite him out of the mountain to serve the increasingly powerfulstate of Chu because he valued his knowledge and noble character. However,because Laolaizi was tired of competing for power in the world, he refused thehigh official position of the king of Chu and lived in seclusion with his wifeand children.

The twenty four filial piety wax museum here shows us the story oftwenty-four filial sons known to women and children in Chinese history in arealistic way. These filial sons, from the emperor to the people, show thetraditional virtue of respecting the old and loving the young of the Chinesepeople in spite of their different status. Please see, this is Lao laizi's waxfigure. Lao laizi is 70 years old. In order to win the joy of his aging parents,he deliberately wears children's clothes, plays with some gadgets, and plays infront of his parents, pretending to be innocent. He also deliberately broughtwater to the hall and pretended to fall in front of his parents, which made themlaugh. This is the story of "Lao Lai Banyi, being filial to his parents" whichhas been popular among the people for thousands of years.

All right, friends, give you half an hour of free time. We'll meet here atfour o'clock.

Good time always makes people feel short, our tour of Xiangshan is over sosoon. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation in my work. If I haveanything wrong, please criticize and correct me. I hope to meet you again in thefuture. Finally, I wish you all good health and all the best. bye.


My hometown is in Ningbo. She is located in the southeast coast of China.It is not only a city with a long history, but also a beautiful and moderncity.

Every friend who travels to Ningbo will go to Tianyi Pavilion to see it,because it is the oldest private library in China, and it is also one of thethree earliest private library buildings in the world. The Tianyi Pavilion wasbuilt in the Ming Jiajing forty years to forty-five years, collectionsoriginally Ming Bing Shilang Fan Qin, currently holds nearly 300 thousandvolumes of ancient books. Every time I go to visit Tianyi Pavilion, see so manyprecious ancient books, as well as the environment elegant charming scenery ofthe garden and leisure areas, are very excited, as if he had entered a writtenin ancient novels cangjingge.

The beautiful modern city, in addition to clean and tidy streets, ofcourse, there are normal people to travel, leisure of natural oxygen bar, thatis the Dongqian Lake scenic spot. Dongqian Lake is the largest inland naturalfreshwater lake in Zhejiang province. The total Lake area is 200 thousand squarekilometers, four times larger than the famous Hangzhou West Lake. All the yearround, Dongqian Lake attracts everyone with her unique scenery. In March, thelake willow sprouting, swaying, like a beautiful girl with long hair comb in thelake. At this time, there will be a lot of people coming to the lake forwalking, barbecue and cycling. On the green meadow, the crowds sitting in twosand threes were chatting and playing, and they were happy to play. If it comesto the winter, the Dongqian Lake is also bustling. Although there are no boatson the lake, there are still many people riding bicycles on the lake embankment.Everyone is riding a bike enjoying the snow scenery near the lake. The sunshines, the glittering surface of the lake, so that everyone can not open theireyes. The sound of a wave of waves beat the shore, and the mountains and riversare mixed together. What a beautiful thing!

Beautiful Ningbo, I love her!



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