
人气:564 ℃/2024-10-09 10:55:29




1 Lincoln Full Review

① Lincoln is a famous American bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the United States the famous leader of the Civil War. In 1861, Republican Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States, in April the same year, the outbreak of the Civil War. In the early years of the war, Lincoln led the northern army to brave defeat, the people asked the government to take more forceful measures. In 1862, the Lincoln government promulgated the "Homestead Act", "the liberation of the Black Slave Declaration", abolished the slavery in the South, the Northern Army was a solid source of manpower.

⑤ In 1865, Lincoln led the Northern Civil War to the North victory, the United States eventually be maintained, Lincoln was assassinated by southern fanatics.

⑥ Lincoln government through the Civil War, the abolition of the slavery, clear the obstacles to the development of capitalism, for the future economic development to create conditions for music.

⑦ Lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of slavery made a significant contribution to the history of the United States as a famous president.

A Brief Comment on Lincoln

① Lincoln is a famous American bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the United States the famous leader of the Civil War. ② Lincoln led the American Civil War victory, promulgated the "Homestead Act", "the liberation of the Black Slave Declaration", the abolition of slavery, to eliminate the obstacles to the development of American capitalism, safeguarding national unity, the United States as the world power laid the foundation .

③ Lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of black slavery made a significant contribution by the American people's reverence and become a famous president in American history.

3, learning insights

① study his wholeheartedly love the people, the spirit of the people-oriented quality.

② learn his courage to struggle, to the national, national interests as their responsibility and quality of mind.

③ learn his perseverance, and always give up the pursuit and struggle, and ultimately go beyond the quality of self. ④ We should fully study the great quality of the great man of history, and strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge.


Marx and Lincoln were contemporaries, his evaluation of Lincoln is: "This is a will not be intimidated by the difficulties will not be confused by the success of people; his unyielding towards their great goals, and never act rashly Steady, and never retrogression ... ... In short, this is a reached a great realm and still maintain their excellent quality of the rare character of the outstanding moral person was so modest that even he became martyrdom After the fall, the world only to find that he is a hero.

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1809) the 16th president of the United States

Political party: Republican Party

February 12, 1809, Lincoln was born in Kentucky Harding County, a poor peasant family, the parents of British immigrants descendants. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to the southwest Indiana, land reclamation for a living.9 years old, Lincoln's mother died. A year later, the father married a widow.Stepmother kind and hard-working, treat their ex-wife's children as out.Lincoln also loves the stepmother, a family living in harmony and happiness. Because of family poverty, Lincoln is not a high degree of education. In order to maintain the family plan, when young Lincoln worked as a ferry on the Ohio River, plantation workers, shopkeepers and carpenters. At the age of 18, tall Lincoln was hired by a shipowner, with a flat barge with the people down the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to Orleans. This is the first time he came to a city of 40,000 people.

The journey, Lincoln saw the black slaves suffered inhuman treatment. In 1830, the Lincoln family moved again and came to Coles County, Illinois, in the middle of the United States, "he said to his partner," until I have a chance to crack down on slavery. " Here, Lincoln began to live independently, and in 1832 enlisted. Lincoln's time is very short, after the demobilization, the local residents elected enthusiastic official activities of Lincoln for the state legislature candidate, but his first campaign did not succeed. Before the age of 25, Lincoln has no fixed occupation, four to make a living.

Adult, he became a local land surveyors, proficient in measurement and calculation, often people are invited to solve the boundary dispute. In the hard work, Lincoln is always a love of reading the youth, his night reading lights always flash to late late. In his youth, Lincoln read all of Shakespeare's books, read American History, and read many books on history and literature.Through self-study he made himself a learned and intelligent person. In 1834 August, 25-year-old Lincoln was elected to the state legislators began his political career at the same time management of rural postal services, also engaged in land surveying, and with the help of friends to study the law. A few years later, he became a lawyer. In 1839, Lincoln met a member of the daughter of Mary Todd. She was 21 years old, well-educated, beautiful and lively, they married in November 1842, after the birth of four sons.

Accumulated the experience of state legislators, in 1847, Lincoln as the Whig party, participated in the congressional election, won the first time, came to the capital of Washington. Before and after, the debate about slavery, has become a major event in American political life.In this debate, Lincoln gradually became anti-slavery. He believes that slavery should eventually be destroyed, first of all in the capital Washington should abolish slavery. Slavery, who represents the interests of the southern plantation owners, frenziedly opposed Lincoln. In 1850, the United States of slave power surge, Lincoln out of Congress, to continue as a lawyer. In 1854, the southern slave owners to enter the new Kansas into the United States, the use of force to force the implementation of slavery, caused a civil war in Kansas.

This year, the Republican Party was founded, Lincoln joined, and in 1856 participated in the Republican vice presidential candidate campaign, without success. June 16, 1858, in the same Douglas campaign published a "family dispute" the famous speech. "The House of Splits can not last," he said. I believe that our government can not endure half the freedom of half of slavery. I do not expect federal dissolution, I do not expect the house to collapse, but I do expect it to stop splitting. It will either turn into one thing or all else into another. During this period, he and Douglas conducted a debate on the issue of slavery, Lincoln believes that slavery should be abolished, but must be abolished by peaceful means, although his campaign did not succeed, but greatly expanded the Political influence .In 1860, Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, in November, the election announced to 2 million votes was elected the 16th president of the United States, but in the slave-controlled southern 10 states, he did not get a vote.

Lincoln was elected president of the news, the rapid expansion of North-South contradictions, adhere to the slavery of the South to Lincoln's election as a disaster, Lincoln in South Carolina before the oath to quit the federal .In order to safeguard national unity, war triggered. As the US general election system enjoys popular support, with the election of the new president, the smooth transition of state power into the United States tradition.



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