
人气:663 ℃/2024-09-11 05:15:12




Ladies and gentlemen

Hello, everyone. First of all, welcome to the one-day tour of Wuzhenorganized by our Hangshi travel agency. At the moment, our car has been drivingon the Shanghai Hangzhou Expressway. On this day, we are going to Wuzhen, one ofthe six ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River. It's about an hour'sdrive from Hangzhou to Wuzhen. Below, let me give a brief introduction toWuzhen. When it comes to Wuzhen, friends who like Liu Ruoying must be familiarwith her. From the time when she was photographing to becoming the imageambassador of Wuzhen recently, it can be said that Liu Ruoying and Wuzhen haveformed an indissoluble bond. On this day, we will go to this millennium old townand follow Liu Ruoying's idea to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancienttown. It is often said that one side of the soil and water nourishes anotherside of the people. Wuzhen is indeed a place of outstanding people. It is a landof elegant geomantic omen. Many outstanding talents have been born since ancienttimes. According to the records of this town, from the Song Dynasty to the lateQing Dynasty, there were 64 Jinshi and 161 Juren in the town, and Mao Dun, agreat literary master, appeared in modern times. It can be said that peoplethrive because of the town, and the town is named because of the people.

Since Wuzhen is so famous, we must be very curious about the origin ofWuzhen. Before the Southern Song Dynasty, Wuzhen was divided into two towns,Wuzhen and Qingzhen, with Chexi as the boundary. Wuzhen in the west of the Riverbelongs to Huzhou Prefecture, while Qingzhen in the east of the River belongs toJiaxing Prefecture. After the liberation of China, the districts of Wuzhen andQingzhen were unified and managed by Jiaxing City. There is another short storyabout the origin of the name "Wuzhen": it is said that in the Tang Dynasty, LiQi, the governor of Zhejiang Province, wanted to be a separate ruler and king,and raised his troops to revolt. The imperial court ordered general wuzan tolead his troops to attack. This wuzan general is highly skilled in martial artsand is good at fighting bravely, which makes Li Qi's rebels retreat step bystep. When hit the Chexi River, Li Qi suddenly listed a truce. Just as thegeneral of Ukraine camped and rested on the spot, Li Qi attacked the camp of theUkrainian army that night. General Wu rushed to fight, and finally fell into thetrap set by Li Qi on the bridge. They were shot dead by the rebels on the spot.Although Zhang was defeated, general wuzan's loyalty and patriotism moved allthe local people. In memory of him, we used his surname as the name of thetown.

The history of Wuzhen is mentioned above. Our friends go to Wuzhen to play.What should we play when we go to Wuzhen? It's nothing more than eating, wearingand traveling. When it comes to eating, maybe most of our friends start to getexcited. After all, food is the most important thing for the people. Don'tworry, listen to Xiao Wang's introduction. When it comes to Wuzhen's famousfood, I have to mention this aunt cake. Hearing this name, I think you haveguessed it. It must have something to do with the relationship between aunt andsister-in-law. It's true. According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty, there was afamily surnamed Zhang in the town, who made a living by making pancakes for hissister-in-law for generations. Because it is an exclusive formula, naturalflavor is unique, so enduring business is booming. But there is an unwrittenrule in Zhang's family. In order to ensure that the secret recipe will be passedon from generation to generation, it is stipulated that the secret recipe willonly be passed on to the daughter-in-law, not to the daughter. After all, mydaughter will be married in the future, and she will become a member of otherpeople's family. When it came to the Ming Dynasty, my sister-in-law was veryunhappy when she saw that her mother only taught her sister-in-law how to makecakes. After all, my sister-in-law has only been married to my family for morethan a year, and I have been in this family for more than ten years, and mymother has never taught me. So I couldn't get along with my sister-in-laweverywhere. One day, when my sister-in-law was making cakes, it began to rain.So the little sister-in-law to the sister-in-law

Said: "sister-in-law, it's raining outside, go to collect clothes.". Mysister-in-law ran out as soon as she heard that. When my sister-in-law saw thather sister-in-law was out, she was angry, but secretly grabbed a bar of salt andthrew it into the pan. Coincidentally, the guests who ate Aunt Zhang's cake allsaid that the taste of the cake was very personalized and better than before. Mysister-in-law is very strange. I'm still doing the same thing as before. How canit be different. So she ate a piece of it herself, and she felt that the tastewas very personal. At this time, my sister-in-law began to talk. "Sister in law,if you want to understand why the cake tastes so good on this day, and if youwant to make it so good every day in the future, tell me the secret recipe formaking cakes first." sister in law, however, told her the recipe for makingcakes to her sister-in-law. Of course, my sister-in-law is also very honest totell her how to do something bad, but it backfires and it's a blessing indisguise. Because the practice at the moment is shared by my sister-in-law, so Inamed this cake "sister-in-law cake". After the visit, you may as well buy somefor free activities. After saying "sister-in-law cake" of course, we have totalk about Wuzhen's specialty "three liquor". Three Baijiu is handmadenaturally. Because white rice, white noodles and white water are used as rawmaterials, it is called "three Baijiu". Others are Hangzhou white chrysanthemum,white water fish and braised pork. After dinner, we can order some to taste.

After talking about eating, let's get to the point. Blue calico is one ofthe specialties of Wuzhen, commonly known as "lime calico" and "calico". It is atraditional folk craft in China. It is made of cotton thread, soybean powder andbluegrass juice. It is purely hand-made and environmentally friendly. You canbuy some small things. For example, a lady who loves beauty can buy one or twoblue calico headscarves and small handbags as souvenirs. I recommend you not tobuy clothes, because at the moment, no one is willing to wear these kinds ofclothes. Secondly, blue calico is easy to fade. When it's hot, it's not good towear this kind of clothes and sweat all over the body like a leopard. ha-ha.Others are handmade cotton shoes and slippers. We buy at our own discretion.

Next, I'll introduce the most important tour to you, so that you can graspthe key points and have a definite aim when you visit. As I said just now,Wuzhen is the hometown of Mao Dun, a great literary scientist, so naturally, MaoDun's former residence must be visited. To visit the water town is nothing morethan to see the architecture and taste the folk customs. And the "street pillowwater, pink wall Daiwa" is the common features of water architecture, since wehave to see its most distinctive things in Wuzhen. The architectural features ofWuzhen are concentrated in the Xiuzhen temple and the ancient stage at the headof the town. So you must not miss the first scenic spot of Xiuzhen temple. Thereis a scenic spot announcer in the temple to explain to you. I will send thetickets to you at the gate when I go in. After visiting the first scenic spot,those who are willing to visit with me will follow me, and those who are notwilling to plan to move freely with me will be able to move freely. Let's goback to the introduction of you. As the saying goes, "ten li is not the samesound, hundred Li is not the same vulgar.". It is estimated that Hangzhou is 200li away from Wuzhen, so the folk customs are even more different. And Wuzhenjust brings us a viewing platform in terms of folk customs. There are Jiangnanwood carving exhibition hall, Hongtai dyeing workshop blue calico exhibitionhall, Jiangnan hundred bed hall, folk custom hall and many other exhibitionhalls in the town. Xiao Yang will show you one by one. OK, Wuzhen will arrivesoon. Please take your luggage and get off with me.



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